Amy Purdie White ’97

My husband Richard and I are continuing to live and travel in our motorcoach while working remote jobs. All of my free time has been consumed by training to compete in the Tour Divide this summer – a 2,700 mile predominantly off-road bicycle race from Banff Canada to the Mexico border that follows the Continental […]

Michael Voevodsky ’82

Is it me, or are others finding the Thacher network is becoming more prominent? The older I get, the tighter the orbits become – you know, the degrees of separation seem closer. I think Thacher has reached a kind of critical mass now. For instance, I moved to Grand Rapids 2 years ago, and was […]

Michael Voevodsky ’82

Therese and I returned to Grand Rapids, Michigan, and now live in the historic district downtown (not related to our getting older). Our oldest daughter, Paule (CdeP 2012), is studying engineering abroad this semester is Seville, Spain. Mia (CdeP 2014) started architecture at University of Michigan and is going through withdrawals from Southern California weather […]