Christopher Henze ’59

Couldn’t resist! Am in Bethesda MD, where our daughter, Sabrina, and her husband just presented us with our first grandchild, a boy named Luca. Gorgeous Indian summer here, which must be a good omen for a life just beginning. Here’s a photo of all of us emerging yesterday from Georgetown U. hospital. Best wishes to […]

Emily Kate Wilson ’95

Yes, Jason’s lights are VERY cool! Our son, Jesse, begs to play with it all the time. He especially likes turning off the lights in the bathroom and taking it in the bath with him because it can go underwater! But what he is NOT allowed to do is shine it in his little brother’s […]

Christian Janss ’95

Greetings!  Writing to announce the arrival of Calvin James Janss!  Born July 22, a happy & lively baby boy.  This brings the grand total to three, yes, three kids.  Lila just started Kindergarten (blowing my mind) and Ollie is an unstoppable force. I just attended the LA gathering and met many wonderful alumni and parents. […]

N. Thomas Beatty ’99

Howdy all.  So I’m getting hitched next month to a very nice lady named Rebecca.  She’s a photographer ( Woohoo!  Otherwise I’m writing poop jokes for a living (really).  Also making an indie movie this spring!  Yeah!  If any of you have struck it super rich and want to be a producer on a movie […]